Monday, March 25, 2013

CDC and Feeding Infants Solids

Infants Are Fed Solid Food Too Soon, C.D.C. Finds

The above is a nice synopses of a recent journal article about the way we have been introducing solid foods in America. It even points a finger at physicians who are not properly supporting breastfeeding as also being more likely to suggest solids too soon.

The actual paper is tidy but this New York Times article does a really excellent job of making the findings palatable for the average parent.

I wish that there were a website that only linked parents to information from articles like this which accurately paraphrase the findings of properly published and critiqued medical journals. Really websites like should be ashamed for placing too much out of date information with the reach of parents who really are looking for information with the intention of doing right by their children. Via the internet you can find a plethora of information which will support any decision you make. This is not really helping us to raise healthier human beings it only makes it easier to feel better about making decisions based on what makes us feel better not what is actually best for our babies.  That said you know your baby best. You have the best chance of knowing what your baby needs... as long as you are provided the right information. So somone get out there and make a website free of forums and Yahoo boards with terrible advice and put up something with modern and relevant science. Keep it up to date and don't sugar coat anything. Empower parents to do right by their kids over what is convient for themselves.  Empower them to do what modern medical studies have been able to proove is right rather then to continue poor practices from the past. I feel thankful and humbled to live in a time where modern medical information is available to treat us. Let's not take it for granted.

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